How Long Does It Take To Produce A Given Amount Of Foam–And How Quickly Can The Foam Machine Be Refilled?

How Long Does It Take To Produce A Given Amount Of Foam–And How Quickly Can The Foam Machine Be Refilled?


Do you want to take a party or shindig and make it an unforgettable experience for all in attendance?

Whether you’re an event coordinator, party planner, or business owner, party foam could be your answer.

Why? Because foam is a magic elixir that brings out everybody’s rip-roaring, playful sides. From toddlers to fully-grown adults, foam machine foam activates their fun muscles.

Before you dive head-first into your foam party planning, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the various aspects of party foam.

For instance, how much foam do you want to use?

Are you aiming to submerge all party-goers in party foam? Or is it a more relaxed, foamy affair?

Is your party foam for a smaller backyard or an enclosed swimming area? Or is your foam machine solution required for a more expansive setting, like a music festival?

Align Your Foam Output with The Party Setting

Do you want to take a party or shindig and make it an unforgettable experience for all in attendance?

Whether you’re an event coordinator, party planner, or business owner, party foam could be your answer.

Why? Because foam is a magic elixir that brings out everybody’s rip-roaring, playful sides. From toddlers to fully-grown adults, foam machine foam activates their fun muscles.

Before you dive head-first into your foam party planning, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the various aspects of party foam.

For instance, how much foam do you want to use?

Are you aiming to submerge all party-goers in party foam? Or is it a more relaxed, foamy affair?

Is your party foam for a smaller backyard or an enclosed swimming area? Or is your foam machine solution required for a more expansive setting, like a music festival?

The Importance of Using the Right Amount of Foam

Different party scenarios and settings call for specific amounts of foam.

Are these part foam ratios precise? Not necessarily.

Nonetheless, dispersing the appropriate amount of foam will contribute to the most optimized party atmosphere.

Lacking the appropriate amount of foam will be a letdown. We won’t say it’ll ruin an event–but it won’t make the shindig, party, soiree, etc., as unforgettable as possible.

Can there be too much party foam at a party? It’s not the likeliest scenario to ruin people’s good times with too much foam. To this point, discomfort wouldn’t be much of an issue with hypoallergenic foam solutions that are pet and human friendly.

Regardless, it’s best to strike the ideal balance between party foam and space. Party-goers generally still want to talk with one another, and the amount of part foam you use shouldn’t disrupt these social interactions.

How Long Does It Take to Fill Up Rooms With Party Foam? 

The answer to the above question is conditional. It depends primarily on the foam machine you’re using.

For instance, our Foam Blaster Maxx Cannon has a 77 m³/min flowrate. In other words, it generates a vast amount of party foam quickly.

On the other hand, the Foam Blaster Pro-X will fill a 30 x 40 5 feet deep area with party foam in under 7 minutes. That’s also exceptionally fast, although this machine isn’t as powerful as our full-on canon.

We’ll note that we’ve only mentioned foam machines from Foam Party Supplies. Our foam machines work faster than average and will produce an abundance of foam quicker than our competitors.

Whether you choose one of our lower-powered models or high-octane canons, party-goers won’t be waiting long to be submerged in party foam.

Contrarily, lower-quality machines will generate less foam in more time. 

How Long Does It Take to Refill Foam Machine Solution?

Generally, there shouldn’t be any waiting period when you refill your party foam machine with your foam machine solution.

Here are some pointers to ensure there are no foam-producing lulls during an outing:

  • Make your party foam mix by filling your bin/barrel with water before adding the necessary amount of solution and stirring.
  • Drop your sump pump into the barrel and turn it on.
  • Hold your foam machine foam solution mixture in a 30-to-50-gallon barrel or trash bin.
  • Depending on desired outputs, your mixture can range from one cup per 10 gallons of water to two cups+ per 10 gallons of water.
  • Use two barrels/trash bins. This way, you can switch from the first barrel to the second one when your solution runs out. Simultaneously, the machine uses the foam solution from the second barrel, ensuring no halt in foam output.

How Long Will Five Gallons of Party Foam Last? 

You can expect around three hours (give or take) of consistent dispersal foam per five gallons. A replenishment plan will ensure you can refill without lulls when appropriate.

You often won’t need to refill your cannon or gun with the foam machine solution. Many parties aren’t going to go longer than three hours. However, you might be at an all-day festival or similar event requiring extended periods of party foam output.

Are You Still Having Doubts About Incorporating Party Foam Machines Into Your Business?

Event coordinating and party planning are noble pursuits. You’re in the business of making people happy–which is why party foam can be a vital asset to your company.

Foam bubbles have a disarming effect on people. Children, pre-teens, teens, young adults, the middle-aged, and seniors enjoy foam.

People love to be submerged in water and bubbles. Enveloping ourselves in the gentle foam can reduce stress and anxiety. It helps us forget our troubles and exist in blissful serenity.

When party-goers are relaxed, they let their guard down. When they let their guards down, the best times can be had.

Are you coordinating a dance marathon for charity?

Party foam will encourage everyone to bust their best move late into the night.

Do you plan children’s birthdays?

Adding party foam will send everyone into a playtime frenzy.

Will you be using foam machine foam for a graduation party?

The party foam will add to the grandeur of the occasion, giving all soon-to-be former students a memory that lasts a lifetime.

Party Foam Machines Are A Cost-Efficient Business Investment For Party Planners.

Prices go as high as $3,044 on the Foam Party Supplies online catalog. However, one of our lighter-duty foam machines is available for under $1,100.

On the higher end, foam machines remain a cost-efficient business investment. Preliminary research shows the average cost for a party planner is $1,000.

Undoubtedly, part of those earnings will be dedicated to other overhead costs.

Nonetheless, you’ll enjoy a prompt and substantial return with any of our products–provided you invest in the appropriate machine for your business needs.

Other costs–like purchasing your party foam solution–must be weighed. It costs $70 for a two-pack of large Foam Powder Solution bags. One pack can be used for 60 to 120 gallons of water. Thus, you’ll get many uses out of each pack, limiting how often you’ll need to replenish your supplies.

These prices make sense for any event-planning business where a viable portion of your target clientele is interested in foam parties.

We’ll note that those seeking a party foam machine for one-time (or rare) usage should consider renting or hiring a foam machine technician for a specific occasion.

That said, personal-use foam machines are valuable if you use them frequently. Experiential returns are attractive based on their quality of life-related benefits.

Optimize Your Party Foam Investment with Foam Party Supplies. 

When you enter the party foam space, ensure you partner with an industry expert. Such a relationship is a powerful tool to take your event planning to the next level.

The equipment can be intimidating at first, though. Be sure you have a firm grasp of the nuts and bolts of operating the canon/gun and creating the foam machine foam. 

Fortunately, our expert team at Foam Party Supplies has finely honed expertise in all things party foam.

Visit our website and contact us with any questions about our products. We’re more than happy to shed light on the ins and outs of the foam party industry.